Our team has worked hard to build a marketplace with hundreds of highly curated, unique and thoughtful experiences that can be enjoyed as is.
That said, we're proud to announce that we've launched Marco Memberships(!) for companies that would like to partner more closely with us and lean on our team to help you customize your experiences even further!
Examples of customization available exclusively to our members will be things like custom landing pages, experience timing, content, schedule, run-of-show, itinerary, inclusions, add-ons and more!
If a membership isn't quite the right fit, that's ok! Our team and our Hosts are always open to customizing aspects of their experience so long as it doesn't inhibit their ability to deliver the experience they've listed on the platform.
If you'd like to explore customization options for an experience you're interested in or have already booked, just reach out to our team at help@marcoexperiences.com and we'll be more than happy to connect with you and see what we can do!