How do I book flights for my offsite?

We partner with AllFly to help book and manage flights. AllFly is a full-service travel management company that specializes in booking flights for meetings, incentives, and team offsites.

How it works

Once you have let us know you want to use AllFly for managing your teams’ flight and travel, we will put you in touch with an AllFly rep to walk you through the process of managing flights through their platform.

Be prepared to answer these travel policy questions

  • Do you need to arrive by a certain time?
  • Do you need to depart by a certain time?
  • What is the $ amount where we should contact you for approval?
  • What cabin class are people allowed to travel in?

Forecasting your flight spend.

The forecast feature through AllFly allows planners to quickly budget airfare & compare destinations.

Forecast your trip here!